ComfyNest Testimonials

“After a long search for positioning nests for prematures older than 32 weeks, the beautiful green nests of “Benjamin Care” called the Benjamin ComfyNest caught our eye. The other nests are often too small, clumsy or simply ugly. Nests are very important in our policy around developmental care. They provide the security needed so much by prematures. They diminish stress because the children can maintain themselves well in the mid line, and give parents a good feeling of tenderness to leave your child behind in a nest, as it were put back into the woomb. Soon alredy parents notice that the children can get into a deep sleep very quickly. Also they are easy in their use, so that parents can also handle it easily and properly. As a team we are looking for materials with which parents can also work easily, for we are on the way to a new Family-Centred Care Hospital. In the new hospital which is to be built that will be the path we shall take, and then the materials of Benjamin Care are the best!”

“Most hygienic by its removable inner cover, which is very important with our patients category. Straps do not get entangled when washing several Comfy Nests together, so very well washable. ComfyNest always comes out of the drier well dried. By taking out the pillow, the edge stays nicely thick; also when washing the inner cover it remains in order causing continued adequate restriction at the feet. Putting the inner cover into the ComfyNest requires some skill. We did have to get used to it, but like it now. Service is fine too. Recently we had damaged inner covers of which washing seems the cause. The firm is client-oriented and currently investigating the possible cause.”
“I am very positive about the snuggle! It provides pleasant and firm restriction. Also the weighting bags are very pleasant! Especially the one shaped as a sea star. She was lying most comfortably, once the nurse had explained how to put it against the head and across the shoulders. A real must! My daughter lies in it very comfortably. Much better than in all those other ones. They provide little firmness and restriction causing her to wriggle herself loose and, consequently, not lying comfortably. The edges of the snuggle are much firmer, thicker, heavier and somewhat higher, so that her legs can lie in it comfortably, but sometimes she just puts her leg on the edge, she likes that a lot too. They lie comfortably then and, if necessary, you can give some more restriction with the straps. In short, I hope that you will consider purchasing these snuggles for the department.”

“Beautiful little nest, good size for a 1300 grammes baby, beautiful colour and soft fabrics. The mother liked the scent pad, which was being used. 4 Straps over the child at the same time makes that you cannot observe the child well, so you use 2 over one another. The baby’s temperature remained stable. The child’s mother asked whether her child could stay in there all the time.”

“The nest looks child-friendly and comfortable. The child’s head had to be straight, this succeeded very well with Comfypillow, positioned legs with Comfistar, went fine, it all feels soft and comfortable. Mother was happy and satisfied; ”the eye wants something too”, that her child was lying there so nicely as the only one. The nest did feel heavy when you lifted it.”
“We are so lucky that we may use the Benjamin Care series! In the incubator our little Philippe lied most comfortably in the ComfyNest. There we also put the ComfyStar against him regularly. Now that he is in the cradle he still uses the ComfyPillow to which he can nicely rest his head.”

“The Benjamin ComfyNest is firm and nicely shaped, wide straps and 4 of them, top! Comfypillow over the head and Comfystar rather heavy, children lie better in it.”

“In the old snuggle the baby was restless. In this nest it could be better restricted, and was, therefore, more relaxed. Nest can be better shaped and filled up with the Comfy pillow.”