Kangaroo Sweater Testimonials

”The Benjamin Kangaroo vests are made of a flexible fabric, not too warm, and pleasant to wear. Some parents love such a vest, and others cannot handle it. For the greater part parents are positive about the vest. Some parents think it quite a job to put on the vest the first few times and put their child in it the right way, but I must say they they soon become skilful with it. The advantage is that the neonate lies comfortably in the vest, parents have their hands free, and have also the possiblity to hold their child through the openings. When parents fall asleep there is no need to be afraid that their child falls, as it is well “stuck” in the vest. It is also pleasant that you can attach the tubes to the vest so that it does not pull at the children. The children also remain nice and warm in it. I think you can also see the children well when they lie with the parents. We use the vests mainly with all premature and dysmature babies who snuggle in the pouch.”

“When snuggling with the pouch, we, parents, got cold sometimes. We did not have that with the Kangaroo vest. That way we both remained warm. It was a bit of a search for the handiest way to put it on, but once we were lying we were able to relax wonderfully well. Our little man is able to sleep very well on our breast, in the Kangaroo vest. On the photograph he is happily dreaming, and, so to see, having fun! Hopefully many more people can/may use this fine series.”
“I experienced the following advantages of the Kangaroo vest;
– My daughter lies comfortably in the pouch, good to have little hat attached
– She lies very comfortably and securely
– The vest is pleasant and comfortably warm (for both child and mother).
– Mirrors are handy and nice
– If desired, you have your hands free
– Good that you can have your hands in the vest and can have skin-to-skin contact“