I host presentations and trainings for professionals and other interested parties when hospitals contact me. I am guided by my personal experience as a mother of a premature child, and years of experience as a nurse at the pediatric department of the Neonatal Intensive Care. Participants always get the opportunity to share their own eperiences, and are free to talk about examples.
Small details make the difference
What influence does giving birth to a premature child have on parents, and what are the needs of the child and the parents. We as professionals mostly do not think about these subjects daily. Sometimes we are unaware about the effect our attitudes and words have on the emotional situation of parents. Apparently, small details make a big difference in the parents’ world of experience. During my presentation this becomes clear with recognizable examples from daily practice.
Developmental family-centred care
I firmly believe that most parents are prepared and able to look after their sick or premature child. I am a great supporter of family-centred care aimed at development: the individual needs of the child and the parents are in the centre here. The care is aimed at reducing stress and enhancing comfort. The relationship between parents and child is promoted and supported.
Powerful parenthood
A serious premature birth, a sick baby, long admission to Intensive Care have an enormous impact on the parents. Mosty we see total disorganization, sleepless nights, grief, uncertainty and fear often invisible to the outside world. This makes the parents vulnerable. During my training I will teach you how to support the parents and the child with advice and assistance. How to give parents confidence in their own abilities, and how to give them the feeling that they have control over the care of their child again.