Experiences by our clients

“Often babies stay and lie skin-to-skin with the mother after the sectio for hours. This has a favourable effect on their temperature, breastfeeding and unrest. We have seen that the babies who are skin-to-skin with their mothers in the operating theatre already are warmer than the babies who earlier on went back to the nursery, and, consequently, were separated from their mothers. In the old situation (2014) 52.4% of the babies born per sectio had a temperature of <36.7 °C. With skin-to-skin in the HugMee this was reduced to 29.7% (2015)."

“The Benjamin Kangaroo vests are made of a flexible fabric, not too warm and pleasant to wear. Some parents love such a vest, and others cannot handle it. For the greater part parents are positive about the vest. The advantage is that the neonate lies comfortably in the vest, parents have their hands free, and also have the possibility to hold their child through the holes. When parents fall asleep, there is no need to be afraid that their child falls, as it is well “stuck” in the vest.”