Rijnstate hospital with a Kangaroo chair

Together strong for Kangaroo care

Strong Babies Foundation is committed to reducing preterm birth and improving the quality of life of premature infants. Benjamin Care and Strong Babies share the same mission and have partnered. Strong Babies educates and funds training and the pouch chairs to support Kangaroo care. Benjamin Care provides the training and supplies the pouch chairs.

Together, we raise awareness of kangaroo care as optimal care for premature infants. Our initiative to actively raise funds to purchase pouch chairs to further improve kangaroo care has found widespread support. Thanks to donors, we have now made several hospitals happy: including Rijnstate Hospital, Zuyderland Hospital, IJsselland Hospital Northwest Hospital Alkmaar. Meanwhile, 17 hospitals have signed up and May 8 we were able to donate as many as 3 chairs to Flevo Hospital.


Pouch chairs are now used extensively in hospitals. The chair is ergonomic and height-adjustable, which allows as much care and handling as possible to take place when the baby is lying skin-to-skin with the parents. So
prevent/minimize stress in the baby and parents. We hope to help many more hospitals in the future and put the importance of Kangaroo care on the map.

Want to know more about this fine organization with a mission?

Strongbabies: https://www.strongbabies.nl/ondersteuning

Rijnstate-Krankenhaus mit einem Känguru-Stuhl
Rijnstate hospital chair
Noordwest hospital chair
IJsselland hopsital chair
Zuyderland hospital chair

The Kangaroo Care Week

During Kangaroo Care Week, we draw special attention to Kangaroo Care in the Netherlands. We raise money to support Kangaroo Care, organize various activities and give little ones a voice by talking about how important pouching is to them. The week begins May 8 and ends May 15 on International Kangaroo Care Awareness Day.

Interested? Get in touch!

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